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"Building Trust Through Truth-Telling"
January 2023
This rich interview with Mary Norman and myself came out in the Autumn/Winter edition of the Harvard Divinity School Bulletin. The quote to the right is from the introduction.
You can read it here.
Wendy is the work’s primary author. Mary, who initially suggested the book, contributed her perspective through visits, phone calls, emails, road trip conversations, and, most recently, texting. These two friends hope their story will encourage white readers to become active in the movement for racial justice, and to be more informed and accountable friends across the racial divides created by white supremacy. HDS alumna Eva Seligman spoke with Wendy and Mary about their friendship and the collaborative process that they came to call “co-creation.”
Book Movement “Virtual Launch”
March 22, 2022
Pauline Hubert, President of Book Movement, interviewed me for representatives of nearly 100 book groups considering whether to read These Walls Between Us.
You can watch it here.
“Dreamleapers” with Harriette Cole for WBAI/Pacifica Radio
October 28, 2021
I was delighted to find that host Harriette Cole had read These Walls Between Us cover to cover and loves the book. We had a lively and wide-ranging conversation, a great meeting of minds and hearts.
You can watch it here.
These Walls Between Us Book Talk hosted by the Haverford College Library and Office of Quaker Affairs
March 21, 2022
Theresa Tensuan, Advising Dean and Writing Teacher at Haverford College, engaged Mary Norman and myself in conversation with searching questions and reflections.
You can watch it here.
On Writing Memoir, sponsored by the Writing Programs and Office of Quaker Affairs at Haverford College.
March 31, 2022
Lori L. Tharps, author of the memoir Kinky Gazpacho, spoke with me from Spain in a spirited and free-ranging conversation about the craft of writing memoir, focusing in particular on These Walls Between Us.
You can watch it here.
Interview with host Shelagh Shapiro on her podcast “Write the Book: Conversations on Craft.”
November 16, 2021
Dreamleapers II with Harriette Cole for WBAI/Pacifica Radio
November 29, 2021
Ms. Cole interviewed Mary Norman and myself for a special session of Dreamleapers, another beautiful meeting of minds and hearts.
You can watch it here (Access Passcode: n*r+r7AE).
"All Together Williamsburg"
October 25, 2021
At this zoom gathering for community education in Williamsburg VA, a local writer interviewed Ms. Mary Norman and myself about our friendship and the co-creation of These Walls Between Us.
You can watch it here.
These Walls Between Us Launch
October 5, 2021
At the launch of These Walls Between Us at Porter Square Books in Cambridge, MA, Brian Corr, director of the Cambridge Peace Commission, engaged Wendy in a searching conversation about friendship across race and class, and fielded probing questions from among the 250 attendees.
You can watch the Crowdcast here.
Amazon Live with Cyrus Webb
October 5, 2021
Cyrus Webb, one of Amazon’s “top 500” reviewers, gave These Walls Between Us a five star rating on Amazon, and hosted me on his live show.
You can watch it here.
Interview with host Mark Judkins Helpsmeet for “Spirit in Action” on Northern Spirit Radio
September 28, 2021
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